Welcome to Project IDEAL Online
This Website is part of a teacher preparation program intended to better prepare teachers to work with students with disabilities. Project IDEAL (Informing and Designing Education For All Learners) was made possible by the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities (TCDD). We invite you to explore our site.
About This Website
Where To Start
We encourage you to start by watching the video to the right to learn about teaching special education. Then you can explore the Disability Categories module and familiarize yourself with each disability category. Feel free to explore the other modules, supplemental information and resources as you see fit. In addition, the IDEAL In Action site is a great place to discover how teachers are using the ideas from Project Ideal in real world classroom situations.
Each teaching module follows a similar structure and includes Key Concepts, Activities, Presentations, Tests and Media. Explore the Key Concepts or jump into the Activities section to get ideas of how to implement what you learn in your classrooms.
Special Thanks
Financial support for Project IDEAL is provided by the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities, with Federal funds made available by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Developmental Disabilities.
Special thanks to all Project IDEAL Development Team members.
Project IDEAL In Action
In addition to the Project IDEAL website, we have developed the IDEAL In Action site. This site provides video examples of how teachers are using the ideas developed and described in Project IDEAL in their classrooms.
To navigate between the two sites, you can simply hover over the logo at the top of the page.
Note About Links
Although Project IDEAL cannot guarantee the accuracy of these noted resources, we have made every effort to include the latest information available. Please contact the webmaster at the top right of this website to provide suggestions and/or corrections to Project IDEAL regarding the accuracy of these resources. Project IDEAL is unable to control for the accessibility and accuracy of external website link resources; however, we have made every effort to note those resources that would be helpful to our readers.